Thursday, December 2, 2010

Happy 9 month Birthday Peanut!

Today is Aubrey's 9 month birthday!  She had her well-visit with the best doctor in the world, Dr Rosa.  She is so incredible and we are blessed to call her "our doctor"! 

Little Peanut was only 18% in weight (17 lbs now) and a whopping 81% in height (28 1/2 inches!!).   I have this weird feeling she'll be tall and thin...just a guess though :) 
Poor little punkin probably has a blocked tear duct on the left side...using some drops now but need to go see a pediatric specialist to see if we need to do any procedures...keep your fingers crossed that we don't! 

1 comment:

  1. I just love that look she does but wish we knew what she is know she is or do we want to know? :)
