Wednesday, March 2, 2011

One Year Old...Already???

Wait, when did this happen?  When did my sweet little peanut baby girl turn 1???  I cannot believe that Aubrey turned 1 year old today (just in case you didn't get that I can't believe it from the first 2 sentences!). 

Dexter and I

Aubrey and I :)
1 year ago today I was being induced.  These pictures where at 1 am before we left for the hospital. We were beyond excited to know we would be meeting our daughter soon!  After 2 weeks of bed rest and waiting to know if we'd be going in for an induction it was nice to have some certainty!  Dexter and I patiently waited a whopping 20 hours for our sweet girl to arrive. 

I think this was pretty early in the morning still.  I look too comfortable!

Around 11pm I told my doctor that we should just wait till the next day because obviously she did not want to be born on the 2nd.  He laughed in my face and said, we are having a baby TONIGHT!  About 11 minutes later she was out.  And man was she PERFECT!

Since then she has proven to be a genius smart, loving, sweet, strong, independent, hilarious little peanut.  I could go on and on and one but I'll stop being that mom :)  

But really, could she be any cuter?!?  I think not! :)

Today I took the day off to spend the day with Aubrey.   We got to go to lunch with dada where he fine dined us with grilled cheese, apple sauce, and apple juice!  Mmmm Mmmm Good!  He sure knows the way to our hearts! 

After lunch I took peanut to the Children's Museum where we had lots of fun. 

Aubrey is so interested in other kids, it was fun to watch her try to interact with them...she tried to give each of them a hug and kiss which wasn't flying with the bigger kids!  I can't wait for her to go to daycare once a week to get that socialization and play time in. 

This girl sure loves her music!

She kept mooing at them!

Aubrey opened her pressies from mommy and daddy and loved them all!  We even had some ice cream for desert! 

So happy 1st birthday to the love of my life, Aubrey! 

1 comment:

  1. Aww you guys she is so adorable! I haven't seen her since the end of the summer and she has grown SO much. Happy birthday, Aubrey!! :)
