I feel as if they last few months have just been a whirlwind. So many things have happened since Aubrey's big birthday bash. But it's been such a crazy month or so that I don't even think I can remember everything that's been happening. I will try to piece the last month together here...
1. Our basement extra bedroom is pretty much done. Carpet is installed and gorg, bed and bedding nicely put together, tv stand and tv in place, nightstands in place. The only thing left to do is get some of the wall hangings up. Since my parents are the only ones who have stayed in there so far I'm not in a rush to complete it.
(The lamp is not permanate, just what we already have) I've been looking for a few little decorative pillows but unsuccessful so far.
The bedding I found, it matched what I wanted but was about 1/2 the price at TJ Maxx-love it!
This is one of the wall hangings. Isn't it beautiful. It's an old window I got for $7 at the antique mall. It's old, paint chipping, it's just perfect! It actually matches the paint color perfectly, which was a happy accident!
2. We went on our first family vacation to Florida and it was amazing. We enjoyed the special time we got to spend with Aubrey in the warm weather. We knew going on vacation with a 1 year old would be different but I don't think you really know until you do it! It was busy and not as relaxing as we thought it might be...but it was still the best 1st family vacation EVER!
3. We started to turn our basement storage room into a storage/office/workspace for me. It's got carpet that was in the bedroom and a new feel. My dad and Dexter drywalled one wall to make it less dungeon like, Thanks guys! My parents are re-doing their kitchen and are giving us some pieces of the old counter top to put in the space so I can do some hard-core jewelry making and not worry about damaging any of our pieces. Today Dexter got the computer hooked up and on the desk down there and things are coming together. Pics will certainly come...
4. I got to watch sweet little McCoy one Friday. He is the sweetest, most handsome little boy ever! He is a chunk, in a great baby with rolls that you can't get enough of kind of way! Aubrey just loves to be around other kids and she certainly enjoyed "playing" with McCoy. Although he is 8 months younger he weighs the same as Aubrey, which really isn't saying much as our Aubrey is a petite little peanut! Aubrey tried to pick him up like he was just another one of her dollies. I was able to catch a sweet moment between the two...maybe one day if they date or are still good friends it will be a cherished moment :)

5. Mid March we were so excited to find out we were pregnant again! We had decided it was time to give Aubrey a sibling and got pregnant very quickly. Sadly at 8 weeks I had my 2nd miscarriage. We were not expecting to have another miscarriage after the first. With the first at 6 weeks and we figured it wasn't the right time and it happens to alot of people, nothing uncommon. This time it was a little harder to deal with. We had made it all the way to 8 weeks and I felt really pregnant and felt everything was normal. We happily went to our first OB appointment to have an ultrasound. My doctor was concerned because the baby didn't look like it was 8 wks, looked smaller or like there was something wrong. She had me get some blood work over the next week and the levels showed that I would probably miscarry, which I did. We have been sad but I trust in God and have been praying for peace and understanding. I know God has a plan and will trust in Him. I know this happened for a reason and although it is difficult to accept I know I have to. We talked with the doctor about needing to get testing but with everything she's already gather she is very optimistic that we will be able to conceive normally. So now we just pray and hope for the best! Aubrey will be the best big sister when the time comes!

Putting her baby to sleep before she could go to bed. Best Big Sister material!
6. We had a really nice Easter this year. Although I felt sad about the miscarriage it was awesome being around family and seeing Aubrey having a blast! She got to go to lunch with all her grandparents, Great-Grandma Bev and us. The restaurant had a lady dressed as the Easter bunny and Aubrey loved looking around for her and waving constantly! It was sweet! After lunch we came back to our house for a fun little Easter Egg Hunt. Aubrey didn't quite get that you have to put the eggs in your basket, she much preferred carrying them in her hands! After the exciting egg hunt she got a few completely spoiled with presents!
Her excited face...
...because she got this bad boy from the coolest Easter Bunny EVER!
She was such an excited girl!
Ready to Ride!
7. With the new addition of my little workspace, we are going to make the extra upstairs bedroom into Aubrey's big girl room! We are going to first finish the basement bathroom re-do then get going. I am so excited to make her room a little princess palace! The ideas are already flowing!
8. Somehow (definitely not my fault), Aubrey's social security card got lost misplaced. After failing at sending in the correct paperwork (Dexter) we took a little trip to the Social Security Office (always an exciting thing) and got her a brand spankin' new one. Now we can open up her first savings account...the little princess has a lot of mulah already. Maybe she'll lend mommy some so I can get a new dress or a few new pairs of shoes, that sounds fair right??
9. A good friend of mine from college lost her mom to cancer this month as well. Her mom fought a hard long battle and they had a beautiful memorial service that really celebrated her life. They took a horrible moment and made it into a tribute to this amazing woman. She impacted so many lives and raised three beautiful, smart, and sensible children. Hearing this news of another wonderful life lost to this horrible disease made me want to do even more to help find a cure. I've been on a Relay For Life team the last two years and this year we are really stepping it up. With lots of fundraising so far we have raised over $2200. We have a goal of $4000.00 by race day in June. We still have a few fundraising events to hopefully get us to our goal. This year I am dedicating my walk to all those I've lost to cancer, especially Jane Jones. Here's the link to my page if anyone wants to donate, it's a great cause and every single dollar counts!
10. I've had a bunch of sales on my Etsy site, every sale keeps me motivated. I've also had a little time to create some new items, now just need some more time to put it on the site! I was contacted my Virtue house in Decatur to donate an item to be auctioned off to raise money for the house. After getting the info on what they do I was more than happy to donate a necklace and I hope that it can raise a little money for this wonderful place. Their mission is: Helping women achieve Victory by learning to live with Integrity, instilling Responsibility, Truthfulness, and Unity, with a passion for Excellence in every aspect of life. Here's a little about them: VIRTUE House wants to provide shelter for women, 18 to 25 years old, who are continuing in their recovery from a life-controlling issue such as drug or alcohol addiction, an abusive relationship, or parole. We have found that many people who recover from these situations often find themselves with no place to go in order to get started on the right track. Unfortunately, many young women return to familiar surroundings and find themselves re-entering the cycle of addiction and abuse, rather than overcoming because they have no skills and no safe place to learn independence. VIRTUE House wants to not only house these women, but also to teach them life skills such as cooking, cleaning, managing their finances, getting out of debt and seeking employment or further education. Our hope is that by the time a young lady has completed her stay at VIRTUE House, she will have learned to care for herself, so that she will not have to return to a life of hopelessness and dependency on others.
Like I said this is just some of what I can remember, I know there's been more!