Tuesday, December 28, 2010

whew...Christmas is over!

Although this Christmas was the best I've ever had I am glad it is over.  December is always too busy for my liking!  Aubrey definitely made this Christmas super special.  She loved all her presents although I think she was more a fan of the paper and bows!  We were blessed to spend time with some of our families. 
Aubrey's First Christmas

Aubrey and Mommy
Aubrey and Daddy:  This is such a sweet picture but I have to let you in on a little secret...Aubrey had a nice burp and those burps are usually followed by some puke so Dexter was ready to "catch" anything that may accompany the burp! 

My cute little family of 3!
Aubrey with her favorite Auntie and Uncle!
Pushing her new baby doll from Mamaw Nancy...she was so sweet with her dolls, it was precious!

Aubrey sitting in Great Grandpa Tom's chair and having a blast!

With Grandpa and Grandma Peterson

Upside down but Joey and Aubrey were having so much fun in the box!

Having fun with Auntie Jess and of course Bun Bun

Excited for Aubrey's First Christmas Morning!  Isn't she the cutest?!?

My little snowflake on Christmas Morning

With Grandma and Grandpa Mestemacher
Eating some yummy paper!

Our First Christmas

Love her!

She was so sweet with her baby dolls.  Gave them lots of kissies!

Now I can relax since every last Christmas decoration has been put away!  Thank you Mom and Dad for all your hard work, We love you!!!!

Friday, December 17, 2010

It's almost Christmas, seriously?

I can't believe that Christmas will be here so soon...I also can't believe how fast the time is going these days.  The last few weeks have been a little nuts so we are looking forward to escaping to Chicago this weekend for the Illinois game.  It will be Aubrey's first game and she really couldn't be any more excited, oh wait, I think it's her daddy that's so excited!  As if Aubrey didn't have enough Illinois gear I had to pick up this little number to wear on her debut game...

She'll be so cute in it!

Last weekend we hosted a baby shower for Sweet Little McCoy.  He is such a cute little boy and is so blessed to have such amazing parents.  I hope that Aubrey and McCoy can grow up good friends!
Isn't he so sweet?!?!?
I had a lot of fun making some Onesie Lollipops for the tables, once I could figure out how to do it that is!  I took onsies, sleepers and some pants and turned them into this:

They turned out super cute and made a great looking gift!
Here they all are:
Kristen, Katie, and I with Lindsey and McCoy.  Lindsey's got the Mommy glow and couldn't be more natural!

Aubrey and I-she was being stubborn with her smiles!  Picture taken by the amazing Jackie Powell!

Me and my little peanut! 

Kristen was reading to Aubrey and Lucas when Aubrey plucked Lucas' Bink right out of his mouth and began to chew on it herself!  Aubrey-if you want Lucas to be interested in you, you cannot steal his Bink!  It was too cute!

To top of a busy weekend we had my work Christmas party Saturday night and had too much fun!  It was great to get out with my co-workers and let loose...I feel blessed not only to have a wonderful job that I truly enjoy but to also work with such amazing people! 

Today I am catching up on all the laundry/dishes/cleaning that doesn't get done during the week and enjoying my sweet little peanut.  She is so happy and cracks me up.   All day she's been babbling, "babab baba  ahhhhhhhhhhh ba ba ba!"  We had dinner with Dexter's Grandma Linda and Ozzie last night for Christmas and had a very nice time.  Great-Grandma Linda gave Aubrey a beautiful heart necklace that's her birthstone-it will be a special gift she'll always treasure.  She also got the cutest little dog pal, Violet.  Aubrey and Violet are already best buds!  It's too cute!

She loves to dance to Violet's cute little songs...if Aubrey's mommy was a bit smarter Violet would be able to say her name and sing her favorite tunes, unfortunately I cannot figure out how to hook this dog to the computer...I never thought I wouldn't be able to figure out my 9 month olds toys...YIKES!
I'd also be able to upload video of Aubrey running, not walking, around our house if I were smarter...I may have to get Dexter's help soon!

Watching Aubrey with her dog friends is too funny.  They love each other and are already sick of the snow...they want OUT!!!  I sometimes think Aubrey feels she is a dog herself.  I'm just waiting for her to bark as her first word!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

We had a little Christmas photo shoot and got some pretty good pictures!  Aubrey is not exactly a stay put kind of girl-she is constantly on the go-go-go-go-go-and then go some more!  It's so great that she's now running, not walking, around the house but man she is hard to get a picture of!  Here are some of the pics:
She looks like a praying angel in this one...she sure loves to clap!

She couldn't have a bigger, better personality!  This is our Christmas card picture, only edited...it's as if she's wishing everyone a merry merry Christmas!

Sweet pea!

We were even able to get one with the dogs!

We did have a little tantrum, only because she wanted to go walking!

Aubrey with all the Santa's

She's certainly an amimal lover, real or fake!

She couldn't be more perfect! 

Love Love Love
My favorite!

Merry Christmas from The Peterson's!

Beautiful Girl!

So Silly!

Can't wait for Aubrey's first Christmas!  It will certainly be a special time in the Peterson household!   

Saturday, December 4, 2010

I am loving this blogging thing and am finding it almost therapeutic to sit down at the end of the day when Aubrey is fast asleep and the house is quiet.  I'm currently trying to add a few things to my Etsy shop, http://www.etsy.com/shop/LuckyCloverCreations (just in case you forgot), and re-visited an Etsy shop I had fallen in love with a while back. 
 I have loved taking pictures since my high school photography class and have tried to learn a little as I go.  I loved using the pinhole camera.  I remember borrowing a nice camera to take on a trip to Arizona and was so excited and shot anything and everything I could!  Someday soon I would love to get a nice, fancy camera to really start shooting but until then I can drool over these...

Fading Days - Metallic Fine Art Flower Photography Print 8x10
This is so serene to me and draws me in.
Luminance, Fine Art Flower Photography Print 10x10
I just love these colors!
Trees, Fine Art Nature Photography Print 8x8
Love it, want it, gotta have it!
Red, Metallic Fine Art Flower Photo of beautiful crimson red tulips on a crossprocessed eerie green sky -  8x8
I need more rooms for all these great photos I love!
Quack - 8x8 Fine Art Carnival Photography Print
This is so fun and reminds me of Aubrey...she has a slight obsession with her rubber duckies right now and I'd love to do her bathroom in duckies but I'm sure she'll be over it soon!

My love of photography got better when I found Picnic on Facebook...I love being able to enhance and change photos to make them better...here are a few of my favorites I've taken:

This was from a vacation to Jamaica from 2007 (It was the first trip Dex and I took together-cute I know :)

So was this, It was a beautiful location!

I love sunsets and always try to capture a moment to remember forever!  This was a sunset at Rick's Cafe in Jamaica.

These pictures are making me ready for a warm vaca, said as a nice white blanket of snow covers my yard...
Oh how I love you St Louis!

This one is from our Honeymoon to St. Lucia

St Lucia, right outside our back door...Dex take me back there pretty please and thank you!

St Lucia


Another beautiful sunset
Cabo San Lucas

Cabo beach

View from our Balcony in Cabo
Hopefully I'll continue to learn and get better and better.  No matter what I love taking pictures and that's all that matters right?